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Motorola GP 2000 VHF, Hub Vita, 0812 9445 5252

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
11 kali



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Detail Motorola GP 2000 VHF, Hub Vita, 0812 9445 5252

The front panel programming feature enables users to customise and program the radios within your palm. * The 99 channels allow users to organise their work teams into different talk groups, increasing the flexibility of the radios. * The 3 adjustable power levels allow user to control over the battery operation efficiency. * Long battery life allows users to enjoy more than 8 hours of talktime. Easy to Use * The navigation channel button allows users to quickly scroll through the user channels. * The 4 programmable buttons allow users to assign up to 8 commonly-used features, providing greater convenience at your fingertips. * Large front panel buttons provide easy programming of the radio functions without software. Compact & Ergonomically Design * The sleek and modern curved design allows easy handling. * The channel knob is replaced by an easy to use front navigation buttons. Hub : Vitta Avianty HP. ( 021) 9569 6298 / 0812 9445 5252 Email / YM : marketingbos01@ WEB : www.bataviaonlinestore.ocm
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